Tiny Happenings | Waiting
Photo by Charla Storey Photography
We are sitting here at 39 weeks, patiently waiting for our baby boy to make his appearance in the world. If I thought I had a rush of thoughts and emotions at 8 weeks of pregnancy, I'd tell my old self to hang on because I haven't seen nothing yet. I'd also let myself know that every bit of exhaustion or food aversion I had then would so be worth it because being pregnant is one of the most amazing experiences I could ever have. It's inexplainable, really.
The connection Baby W and I have made over these past 9 months is a bond that nobody else can relate to and it has become ever so sweet. Between the kicks, flutters and hiccups (he has a lot of those), I almost feel like we have our own language. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was hit with the thought that I'd never be alone again- literally there was a little heartbeat with me at all times! But truly, I have loved toting him everywhere on our trips, daily Target runs, working big weddings, and special dates with Daddy.
The biggest and most notable part of pregnancy is seeing the change in my body- it is absolutely incredible! I even find myself waking up, feeling this baby bump, and thinking to myself, "Wow, my body is so cool!" Just to comprehend a life growing, nourishing, and preparing inside my belly is beyond my grasp. It's clear evidence of our magnificent Creator and how He carefully made us to be useful for doing good things. It is striking to believe He has trusted me in carrying His masterpiece.
This journey has been so beautiful and as much as I am ready to meet our newest family member, I know I'm going to miss this. And frankly, I'm pretty nervous for the next part of pregnancy-labor. It is surely unknown territory and I do not do well with unfamiliar. I do know I am my mother's daughter, and I know she gave birth by herself (yes, she labored and pushed alone because my dad was doing an interview on the other side of the refugee camp and didn't know) to one of my brothers. So when my dad returned, there she was holding a baby. I understand how crazy that story sounds, but she did it! I'll just have to remember that God has the most perfect timing and His plan is always perfect.